Tuesday, October 10, 2006


TG for Constructivism.

Time has been more of an issue for me this year than most. At school, life is fairly "normal", but at home the time I used to have has disappeared...much like some other things in my home. Changing my teaching takes a great deal of the time I have. But, for me, much of the time is simply thinking and reflecting. That can be done on a bike, in the pool, in the car, in the shower. By putting more of the "action" on the students, I find that I have found more time during my workday. I know that others are experiencing the opposite. Some are collaborating more and my focus is on two classes that only I teach. Maybe I just got lucky with kids that are willing to take ownership, raise their expectations, and accept the responsibilities I have shifted to them.

Or maybe this constructivist thing simply works.